Why Pierre is Stardew Valley's Most Unlikable Character

Olena Shevchenko


Why Pierre is Stardew Valley's Most Unlikable Character

Stardew Valley is an enchanting game full of charming characters, ranging from potential friends to prospective partners. However, amidst the tranquil farmland and bustling festivals, one character often rubs players the wrong way: Pierre, the general store owner. Despite initially presenting himself as a friendly neighbor, Pierre's true nature quickly surfaces, making him arguably the most unlikable resident of Pelican Town.

Pierre's Hidden Agendas

From the moment players meet Pierre, he seems to be a caring and dedicated community member who wants the best for Pelican Town. However, his true motivations become questionable as the game progresses. Pierre claims to be driven by a desire to see the local economy flourish through agriculture, yet his actions often suggest otherwise.

For instance, Pierre has no qualms about reselling the farmer's produce at exorbitant prices. By marking up the goods significantly, he demonstrates that his primary concern is profit rather than community welfare. This profiteering attitude undermines his initial image as a trustworthy and community-focused individual.

Troubles with Morris

Troubles with Morris

Pierre harbors a fierce rivalry with Morris, the Joja Mart manager, which adds another layer to his complicated personality. At first glance, Pierre's disdain for the corporate giant might appear justified, considering its threat to small local businesses. However, his hostility seems rooted more in personal jealousy than genuine ethical concerns.

During the Community Center reopening ceremony, Pierre's true colors show when he engages in a physical altercation with Morris. Instead of resolving their differences amicably, Pierre escalates the conflict to violence. This tells players that Pierre's issues with Morris mainly stem from his own insecurities and aspirations rather than any principled stand against big business.

An Obsession with Wealth

Pierre's primary metric for success is monetary gain. He frequently laments his lack of wealth and seems to measure his self-worth by how much he earns. For instance, he dreams of opening multiple stores and becoming "extremely wealthy," a goal that reflects his materialistic outlook.

Even when his business is doing well, Pierre expresses dissatisfaction and a desire for more. This fixation on wealth overshadows any genuine interest he might have in the well-being of his neighbors or the community. His relentless pursuit of money often results in unethical behavior, such as exploiting both the farmer and the local residents.

Disrespectful to Family

Disrespectful to Family

Pierre's selfishness isn't confined to his business practices; it extends to his family life as well. He frequently complains about his wife, Caroline, and daughter, Abigail, often insinuating that his domestic life is unfulfilling. Such comments reveal his lack of appreciation for his family, further tarnishing his image.

Moreover, Pierre's neglect of family responsibilities is evident during local events. Instead of enjoying festivals and holidays with his loved ones, he sets up pop-up shops to maximize sales. This behavior not only highlights his insatiable greed but also shows his disregard for quality family time.

Troubled Relationship with His Daughter

Pierre's relationship with his daughter Abigail is strained, primarily due to his overbearing and sexist attitudes. For example, he interrupts Abigail while she is practicing swordsmanship at the graveyard, demanding that she come home to help with cooking. This not only belittles Abigail's interests but also reinforces outdated gender roles.

Abigail's frustration is palpable, and players can see that Pierre's behavior has taken a toll on her. His inability to support her passions and his insistence on conforming to traditional roles create a toxic dynamic that further isolates him from his family and the community.

A Pathological Liar


Pierre's dishonesty is another significant factor contributing to his unpopularity. Aside from reselling produce under false pretenses, he often credits himself for the farmer's hard work, misleading the community into believing he grew the produce himself. This deception not only disrespects the farmer but also undermines the trust of the villagers.

One of the most revealing moments of Pierre's deceitful nature occurs when players discover his secret stash. Although the stash's contents are never explicitly revealed, Pierre's desperate pleas to keep it hidden from his wife suggest he's hiding something significant. This secretive behavior paints him as a fundamentally dishonest person.

Manipulative Tendencies

Pierre frequently attempts to manipulate those around him to serve his interests. This is evident in how he interacts with the farmer, often discouraging them from starting their own shop. His comments about the benefits of being an established shop owner are thinly veiled attempts to stifle competition.

Additionally, Pierre's manipulation extends to his marketing strategies. By labeling produce as "organic" and significantly marking up the prices, he tries to create an illusion of quality to deceive customers. These tactics reveal Pierre's willingness to bend the truth to achieve his ends, making him even more untrustworthy.

Festivals and Events

Festivals and Events

Instead of participating in community events and festivals, Pierre sees these occasions as mere opportunities to make a quick buck. While other townsfolk engage in festivities, Pierre sets up temporary shops, prioritizing profit over communal bonding and enjoyment.

This relentless focus on business during social events not only alienates him from his family but also from the community. It underscores his lack of genuine interest in the well-being of Pelican Town residents, further contributing to his unlikable persona.

Avoiding Pierre

Fortunately, Stardew Valley provides several alternatives for those who wish to distance themselves from Pierre's negativity. Players can sell their produce through other means, such as the shipping bin, and eventually create their own seeds, rendering Pierre's shop unnecessary.

By developing relationships with other, more amiable townsfolk, players can build a supportive community where Pierre's influence is minimized. This allows for a more enjoyable gaming experience, free from Pierre's manipulative and self-serving tendencies.

The Takeaway

Stardew Valley

While Stardew Valley is brimming with loveable and engaging characters, Pierre stands out for all the wrong reasons. His greed, dishonesty, and disregard for family make him the most unlikable resident of Pelican Town. Despite his initial facade of friendliness, Pierre's true nature quickly becomes apparent, leaving players wary of his intentions.

Fortunately, players can find ways to minimize interactions with Pierre and focus on building relationships with more deserving community members. By doing so, they can fully enjoy the rich, immersive world of Stardew Valley, free from the negative influence of its most troublesome inhabitant.
